Google to double Internet penetration in Nigeria
Goggle says internet penetration in Nigeria is still very low at 12 percent and wants to double this within the next three years, according to a top official of Google in Nigeria. He also announced the launch of Google Trader in Ghana and Google online phone in Kenya which would also be extended to Nigeria.
He disclosed that Nigerians are already making millions from the new Google Trader, an initiative which puts a trader online thereby enabling consumers globally to have a contact with the traders without hitches or meddlesome middle men/women. He said that a Nigerian trader Mrs. Funke, sold one year inventory in a month by taking advantage of the Internet. Her business moved from N150,000 to N15 million in four months. She has been using a website to promote and sell her baby products to numerous customers in the global village. And another Nigerian is also presently make millions of naira yearly by selling Nollywood videos online.
Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, Kenya, South Africa and Uganda as leading countries in ICT development in the continent, “but Nigeria is key,” because the country’s ICT potentials and business opportunities are simply enormous. But presently, only few Nigerians are benefiting from the business opportunities, which the Internet, particularly Goggle, provide.