A Picture of Public Transportation in Nigeria. Funny?
Current public opinion polls have shown that majority of Nigerians don't trust the Nigerian government. Infact, they passed a Vote of No Confidence on the government of President Olusegun Obasanjo. And believe it or not, they said Nigerians were better off during the tyrannical regime of the draconian military junta of the late Gen. Sanni Abacha. And they have rated Abacha's government above Obasanjo's government. And I am not surprised. Because, even mad men know that Nigeria is worse now than ever before. There are very few people in the government who are doing well such as the role model of Nigerian women, Dr. Dora Akunyili the amazon who has done so much to eradicate the importation and distribution of fake and expired drugs in Nigeria and has been saving millions of Nigerians from the damages they were suffering from fake and expired drugs before her appointment. Most Nigerians even believe that Dr. Dora Akunyili would make a better head of state if she could be given the opportunity to serve Nigerians as the executive President of Nigeria. And sincerely, I agree with them. And I have already noted the laudable achievements of Dr. Dora Akunyili on the Nigerian Times months ago when she was highlighted in the New York Times. She is God sent to us. And I thank God for her successful life.
We need leaders in Nigeria and not the contractors in government. Because, most of the people in Government today are just there for their own pursuit of financial acquisition and for the protection of their private properties. They know next to nothing about the democracy they are confessing and professing. In fact, the sooner we kick them out of the government the better for us. They are so evil that I wonder if they are not actually devils in human form. You know wolves in sheep clothing.
We must make up our mind to reject all these crooks and rogues in government.
We must not allow them to continue to fool the ignorant and gullible poor masses of Nigeria who are often deceived to vote for them.
We should begin to educate the Nigerian electorate on the knowledge of using their vote to dictate the mandate that will favour them, by voting for only true leaders who will lead Nigeria in love, peace, security and unity.
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God bless.