If You Loved "American Beauty", Then You Will Fall in Love with "My American Mistress"

If you loved Sam Mendes'multiple academy awards winning film American Beauty , then you will fall in love with Orikinla Osinachi's "My American Mistress", about a melodramatic relationship between a very wealthy white older woman and a younger African immigrant in New York who is a struggling artist and poet. He wants to be the black Picasso of the 21st century and like Picasso, he also sees women as "goddesses and doormats" and she is going to be his goddess no matter what her snobbish racist white upper class says. She sponsors his first solo art exhibition and his first book launch and with fame and fortune he becomes the toast of America and the heartthrob of younger women who are falling over themselves to pose naked for him and the pregnancy of one of them is going to break the heart of his mistress. "I thought you would be more faithful to me than my ex-husband. But you have turned out to be worse. He never stooped so low to prefer the door...