Aug. 30, 2005 - WHEN AMERICA SUFFERS, WHAT DO WE DO? OUR URGENT APPEAL TO THE REST OF THE WORLD TO COME TO THE AID OF AMERICA IN THE CATASTROPHE OF HURRICANE KATRINA. Tuesday,August 30,2005. When the catastrophic Tsunamis struck Indonesia, Sri Lanka and the other countries in the Indian Ocean, America rushed to the rescue of the terrified victims and till date there are more American emergency Aid workers still doing their best to save precious lives and rehabilitate the homeless thousands. But when natural disasters happen in America, the rest of the world will not rush to help Americans in distress. Why? Because, they believe Americans can take care of themselves? But, this is wrong and inhuman. Because, death is no respecter of persons. Scores of people have already died from the collateral damages of Hurricane Katrina and the worst hit millions of people are in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama with the death toll of over 55 precious souls who are innocent of the wrath of the...