INRIX Powers the Largest Driving Community in the World

Real-Time Traffic in L.A. in INRIX Traffic App on BlackBerry. (PRNewsFoto/INRIX)

11 Apr 2012 15:00 Africa/Lagos

INRIX Powers the Largest Driving Community in the World

- INRIX Traffic information Powers Navigation Services from 20 Automakers Worldwide; Four of the Leading OEMs Shipping Breakthrough Two-Way Connected Navigation
- INRIX's Traffic Intelligence Platform Taps Big Data to Drive Breakthroughs Across Automotive, Mobile and Public Sector Markets

KIRKLAND, Wash., April 11, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- INRIX, the leading provider of traffic information and connected driver services, announced the number of customers across its automotive, mobile and public sector businesses has doubled in the last year establishing the company's crowd-sourced traffic network as the largest in the world.


In the last 12 months, INRIX signed deals with more than 50 new customers and launched traffic services for next-generation two-way connected navigation with Toyota as well as Audi and BMW in Europe. As the automotive and mobile markets converge, the company's collaboration with Ford expanded to include development of Ford SYNC Destinations -- the first smartphone app offering drivers reliable traffic forecasts and the ability to send future destinations directly from their phone to their car.

"INRIX is the fastest growing traffic intelligence platform in the world," said Bryan Mistele, INRIX President and CEO. "We are setting the standard for leveraging Big Data to solve transportation issues worldwide."

According to research based on INRIX data just published by the U.S. Treasury Department(1), traffic congestion accounted for 1.9 billion gallons of wasted fuel last year — at a cost of $7 billion to drivers. INRIX's efforts focused on applying its expertise in "Big Data" and proprietary analytics technologies to the problems of traffic congestion are resulting in breakthroughs designed to reduce the economic, environmental and individual toll of gridlock. Additional INRIX momentum includes:

Automotive: INRIX's real-time traffic information is used by 20 automakers worldwide. In addition to Ford, next generation two-connected navigation systems from Audi, Toyota and BMW Europe debuted with customized INRIX traffic intelligence and connected driver services. With gas prices soaring worldwide, Audi owners benefit from INRIX's fuel price services for navigation to the closest, least expensive gas station.
Mobile: Eight of the top 12 grossing iPhone navigation apps with traffic in North America including ALK, Garmin, MotionX, NAVIGON and TeleNav are powered by INRIX. In Europe, INRIX traffic intelligence fuels mobile apps from Bosch, Garmin, NAVIGON, Sygic and Telmap. The company's INRIX Traffic App is one of the Top 10 most used navigation apps and the only traffic app that integrates with JVC and Pioneer's in-car multi-media receivers.
Public Sector: Twenty-five U.S. State Departments of Transportation are using INRIX traffic information in their daily operations, traveler services or congestion performance measures. In 2012, new projects in Virginia and Ohio in North America as well as England, Scotland, Germany and Austria are using INRIX traffic data and analytics to drive insight that helps them build manage and measure the performance of their road networks at less cost. In the largest ongoing test of traffic information in the world, INRIX has been proven to deliver better coverage at 25 percent of the per mile life cycle cost(1) with the added ability to reduce user delay costs by up to $100K per incident. (2)

The company further expanded its customer base, coverage and technical expertise through the acquisition of leading European traffic provider ITIS Holdings.

INRIX operates the largest global traffic intelligence platform in the world, delivering smart data and analytics to solve transportation issues worldwide. INRIX crowd sources data daily from approximately 100 million vehicles and devices to deliver traffic and driving-related insight, as well as sophisticated analytical tools and services, across six channels in 30 countries.

With more than 200 customers and partners including Audi AG, ADAC, ANWB, BMW, the BBC, Ford Motor Company, the I-95 Coalition, MapQuest, Microsoft, NAVIGON, Nissan, O2, Tele Atlas, Telmap, TeleNav, Toyota and Vodafone, INRIX's real-time traffic information and traffic forecasts help drivers save time every day. To experience the traffic technology revolution behind the next generation of transportation, navigation and location-based service applications, visit

(1) Source: Vehicle Probe Project One-Pager, July 2010,

(2) In 2008, INRIX helped U.S. traffic operations staff in New Jersey identify and respond to a serious accident on a stretch of I-80 during a surprise October snowstorm that previously wouldn't have been visible using their CCTV system. Even with traffic data refreshing at a rate slower than the Highways Agency's 50 second target, New Jersey's Department of Transportation estimates the expedited response to the second incident translated into $100,000 in user delay cost savings. Source: Vehicle Probe Project Benefits White Paper, August 2010


CONTACT: Jim Bak of INRIX, +1-425-284-3825,, or Jillian Ivey of Hotwire PR North America, +1-215-806-2951,, for INRIX, or Claire Barson of Hotwire PR Europe, +44 (0) 20 7608 4639,, for INRIX.

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