Workshop on the African Cultural Renaissance

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24 Nov 2011 05:35 Africa/Lagos

Workshop on the African Cultural Renaissance and launching of African Cultural Renaissance Campaign for Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) member states

ADDIS ABABA, November 24, 2011/African Press Organization (APO)/ -- Invitation to representatives of the media to attend the opening ceremony and press briefing

WHAT: Two-day workshop on the African Cultural Renaissance and launching of African Cultural Renaissance Campaign for the SADC region. The launch is jointly convened by the African Union Commission and the Government of the Republic of South Africa.

WHO: Statements will be delivered at the opening ceremony by:

• Advocate Bience Gawanas, Commissioner for Social Affairs of the AU

• H. E Rosa Maria M. Da Cruz e Silva, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Angola

• H.E. Paul Mashatile, Minister of Arts and Culture of the Republic of South Africa

WHEN: Opening ceremony starts on 30 November 2011, 09:00-10:50 am followed by a press briefing from 10:50-11:15 am

WHERE: Premier Hotel in Arcadia, Pretoria, South Africa

OBJECTIVES: The primary aim of this activity is to popularize the Charter for African Cultural Renaissance in the fourteen (14) Countries of SADC to enable better understanding of this continental tool and promote its ratification.

The specific objectives of the launch are to:

a) Popularize the Charter for African Cultural Renaissance;

b) Disseminate the Assembly Declaration on Cultural Renaissance and Shared Values (Assembly/AU/DEcl.2 (XVI)) as well as decisions of the 18th Session of the Executive Council on Cultural issues to ensure their implementation;

c) Advocate for cultural and judiciary ministerial experts to promote the ratification of the Charter;

d) Reflect on best ways to expedite the process of ratification and the entry into force of the Charter for African Cultural Renaissance by 2012;

e) Popularize the Plan of Action on Cultural and Creative Industries;

f) Present and discuss cultural continental activities for 2012.


The Launch will be conducted as follows:

Part One: Workshop on the Charter for African Cultural Renaissance and Campaign Launch:

3.1 Charter for African Cultural Renaissance

This session will be devoted to the presentation and discussion of the Charter for African Cultural Renaissance to enable participants to engage with this important tool and to become more aware of its potential in order to promote the contribution of culture to socio-economic development;

3.2 Procedures for Ratification of AU Instruments

This session will look closely at legal issues related to the ratification and domestication of the Charter for African Cultural Renaissance;

3.3 Campaign for African Cultural Renaissance

This session will provide an opportunity for participants to know about the AU Campaign for African Cultural Renaissance and its achievements and constraints so far. The Campaign will increase Member States awareness on the potential of the Charter to be used as a tool to promote the Pan-Africanist Spirit and continental integration.

3.4 Dissemination of Assembly Declaration and Decisions and Notes verbal dispatched to Member States

This session will look at the Assembly Declaration on Cultural Renaissance and Shared Values of its 16th Session and 18th Session of the Executive Council Decisions as well as note verbals dispatched to Member States on the above to ensure their implementation at national level.

Part two: Launching of the Campaign

3.5 Ceremony to Unveil the Plate on the Launch of the African Cultural Renaissance Campaign

For the launching of African Cultural Renaissance Campaign for the SADC region, a plate will be unveiled.


Participants from the following sectors will be represented at this event:

• Ministries of Culture;

• Cultural Experts;

• Ministries of Justice;

• Ministries of Foreign Affairs;

• African Union Commission – Department of Social Affairs (DSA);

• Legal Counsel Office; and

• UNESCO Regional Offices.


The Charter of the African Cultural Renaissance was formally adopted at the 6th Ordinary Session of the Assembly held in Khartoum, Sudan on 24th January 2006. Since its adoption, the Charter has been ratified by three (3) Member States, Mali, Nigeria and Senegal and signed by twenty (20) Member States. The Charter will come into force immediately upon receipt by the African Union Commission of the instruments of ratification and adhesion from two-thirds of the total membership of the African Union. This slow move towards the ratification of the Charter for African Cultural Renaissance has led the Assembly to renew its determination to ensure that this important Charter enters into force by 2012 through the Campaign for African Cultural Renaissance.

Within the framework of the Campaign for African Cultural Renaissance (2010-2012) the AUC has embarked on a series of activities aimed at popularizing the Charter to ensure its expedious ratification by the Member States. The African Cultural Renaissance Campaign was launched at the continental level during the 3rd Session of the African Union Conference of Ministers of Culture held in Abuja, Nigeria from 25 to 29 October 2010. The campaign is being carried through an interactive programme which includes:

• Advocacy and sensitization activities for the ratification of the Charter;

• Press Releases / Conferences;

• Development of regalia / memorabilia;

• Essay competitions on Pan-Africanism;

• Workshops with the Regional Economic Communities;

• Development of a practical guide for the implementation of the Charter;

• Art Exhibitions and creation of a Cultural Space within the African Union Commission new building which will be a place to display and showcase the diverse cultural artefacts of the Member States;

It is imperative that AU Member States sign, ratify, accede and internalize this cultural legal instrument, as well as report on its implementation at national level. The implementation of the Charter will strengthen our socio-economic, cultural and political rebirth and a re-orientation of the African psyche, leading to a redefinition of Pan-Africanism as well as contribute to the promotion of the role of culture in sustainable development of the continent.

Source: African Union Commission (AUC)

Releases displayed in Africa/Lagos time

24 Nov 2011

05:35 Workshop on the African Cultural Renaissance and launching of African Cultural Renaissance Campaign for Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) member states

23 Nov 2011

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