Reverend Dr. Calvin O. Butts, III Endorses Hillary for President

"Over the course of the past year, I have given careful consideration to the varied perspectives and agendas of the 2008 Presidential Candidates. I have observed, evaluated, and compared each of their strengths in the context of the current state of our nation and what will be required in the next 4 years to help us repair, restore and rebuild.

I, too, join countless Americans in a collective desire for change, and I do so with a vital recognition that change and experience are not mutually exclusive. The rhetoric of change in which we are presently engaged must also be accompanied by the experience and ability necessary to successfully and resourcefully accomplish it. Experience is not synonymous with status quo nor should it be vilified for the sake of campaign soundbites. With experience, comes the value of lessons learned. With experience, comes proficiency and understanding. With the right experience, comes change. Thus, I have not based my decision on the idea that I must embrace one over the other. I have instead based my decision on the candidate whom I believe will effectively use both - change and experience - to lead our nation to a place of domestic and international prosperity.

After thoughtful deliberation, I am decidedly confident that Senator Hillary Clinton is the candidate best suited to be the Democratic Presidential Nominee and the next President of the United States. I have personally had a positive working relationship with Senator Clinton for a number of years. In her current position as United States Senator from New York, she has also been very supportive of Abyssinian Baptist Church's development work in Harlem. Thus, I have seen first-hand the wisdom, insight and concern she brings in her approach to community development, educational and developmental opportunities for youth, and economic revitalization, as well as tirelessly advocating for families, promoting health care reform, and fighting the global HIV/AIDS crisis.

I believe that we can benefit greatly from the value of Senator Clinton's 30-plus years of service to our country that have uniquely positioned her to be a formidable leader on issues including homeland and national security, human rights, and restoration of our national image before an international audience. Her willingness to examine the issues and listen to the questions and concerns of everyday Americans is encouraging. Her proven ability to effectively work across both party and geographic boundaries towards solutions to our country's problems and needs substantially distinguishes her from other candidates.

I go on record as endorsing Senator Clinton for the 2008 Presidential Election. As a nation, we cannot afford four more years of uninspired and uninspiring leadership. In our quest for change, it's time that we returned to the fundamentals - experience, ability, respect, character. It's time for Senator Hillary Clinton."

~ Reverend Dr. Calvin O. Butts, III.


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