Beyond Nevada: Beware of Barack Obama

Beyond Nevada: Beware of Barack Obama
« on: Today at 06:13:31 AM »

“¿Cómo-Se-Llama?” or “What’s-His-Name?,”

~ Dolores Huerta, farm-worker heroine whilst talking to reporters why the Latinos supported Hillary Clinton to win the Nevada Caucuses Saturday, January 19, 2007.

Hillary Clinton won and she was quite humble about it.

Barack Obama is a bad loser.

I doubt whether he is truly a Democrat or just trying to take the Democrats for a ride to fulfill his ego-centric African American Dream to become the first black president of the United States.

He lies that he is a "Uniter", but was privy to a Memo to blackmail the Clintons as "racist" in South Carolina and has divided the Democratic Party into blacks for Obama and blacks against the Clintons.

I am a black African and I read the malicious Memo, signed by the Obama camp in South Carolina. They even lied that Bill Clinton was disrespecting Nelson Mandela of South Africa. I was involved in the mobilization of the African National Congress (ANC) during the anti-Apartheid struggle, and if anyone is disrespecting Nelson Mandela or black leaders, I would be able to tell.

Hillary Clinton has been committed to the Civil Rights Movement since she met the late Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., in 1962, and she supported African American activists during her days at the Yale Law School. No wonder Quincy Jones, and the others are all supporting her and not Barack Obama who has done little or nothing for the African Americans in America.

Barack Obama is now desperate to win the South Carolina primary and he is now name-dropping Ronald Reagan to pander to the White voters to support him, so that he can add their votes to his African American votes to beat Hillary Clinton.

He deliberately dropped his bona fide middle name of Hussein, because he is afraid that the Islamic name will make most American Evangelicals, Jews and anti-Islamic American voters turn against him.

He has even failed to stop his Kenyan uncle, Raila Odinga, from causing more violence in Kenya after Odinga lost the presidential election. Obama is a supporter of Odinga and I have the photograph taken in Kenya to prove it. Odinga kept his own family in a safe house, but told millions of Kenyans to go on the streets to protest and over 1, 000 have been killed so far. Why is Raila Odinga not going out to lead the protest march?

What is Barack Obama doing to stop the bloody mayhem in his fatherland, Kenya?

If he has no clue on how to stop post election violence in Kenya, then how can he stop the war in Iraq or win the global war on terror?

Lest you forget, the Islamic terrorists are active in Kenya and Barack Obama's family in Kenya are Muslims. In fact, they still call Barack Obama a Muslim. Anyone with a Muslim family can expose the US to grave dangers. His Muslim uncle and aunt and other Muslim relatives could be used as suicide bombers to attack American targets in Kenya and even to attack the US.

Lest we forget, Barack Obama caused a riot in Pakistan, where they burnt his effigy with the US Flag.

Millions of American Muslims will be against Barack Obama for dropping his Muslim middle name.

Christ Matthews and the American news media have not asked Barack Obama, the important questions on the critical issues I have raised here and on the Huffington Post.

Barack Obama says he has been opposed to the war in Iraq.

How? By mere word of mouth? But he has voted in support of the prosecution of the war in Iraq and he has been collecting money from donors and sponsors who are supporting the war in Iraq.

How can I say I hate armed robbery, but I am collecting blood money from armed robbers to finance my presidential campaign? Is this not complicity and hypocrisy?

He spent over $1 million on his campaign in Nevada and lured the largest unions away from John Edwards who is the real catalyst for Change and the real "uniter" who has refused to collect money from Washington Lobbyists. Obama spent more money than Hillary Clinton, but he still lost after his agents ran negative radio adverts of lies against Hillary Clinton.

For how long will Barack Obama continue to use his political spin to deceive the ignorant and gullible American voters?

Posted by Orikinla Osinachi January 20, 2008. 8:48 AM FROM MARCAMBINDER ON THE ATLANTIC ONLINE


Anonymous said…
"He lies that he is a "Uniter", but was privy to a Memo to blackmail the Clintons as "racist" in South Carolina."

Huh? Hillary is the one who botched the LBJ Quote, she didn't need any help from the Obama camp to expose her utter ignorance.

"and has divided the Democratic Party into blacks for Obama and blacks against the Clintons."

The Clintons are the ones who made this about race, Obama has made a point of being above identity politics.

"I am a black African and I read the malicious Memo, signed by the Obama camp in South Carolina."

You read no such memo, it doesn't exist - you are lying your African ass off.

"They even lied that Bill Clinton was disrespecting Nelson Mandela of South Africa."

Bill Clinton said that Hillary is tougher than Nelson Mandela, he said that - the Obama camp didn't push Clinton's misstatement.

"and if anyone is disrespecting Nelson Mandela or black leaders, I would be able to tell."

How could you, with your head so far the Clinton's collective asses?

"Hillary Clinton has been committed to the Civil Rights Movement since she met the late Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr."

..which doesn't amount to anything when you find out that she was a big supporter of Barry Goldwater, who was against any civil rights legislation.

"No wonder Quincy Jones, and the others are all supporting her and not Barack Obama who has done little or nothing for the African Americans in America."

What has Hillary done for black folks? I can wait.. That's what I thought. Besides, Obama has as many , if not more high profile black supporters than Hillary does.

"Barack Obama is now desperate to win the South Carolina primary and he is now name-dropping Ronald Reagan to pander to the White voters to support him"

A statement where he never praised Reagan, just stating historical fact - he wants to change the trajectory of politics on the liberal side the same way Reagan did for republicans. Only people with reading comprehension issues and mild forms of retardation take offense to what he said.

"He deliberately dropped his bona fide middle name of Hussein,"

Now this is just retarded, even for you - he never changed his middle name. Next.

"What is Barack Obama doing to stop the bloody mayhem in his fatherland, Kenya?"

He has already personally talked to both sides, seeing if he can help ease the tensions - while running a presidential campaign that is.

"Millions of American Muslims will be against Barack Obama for dropping his Muslim middle name."

Nope, only you.

"How? By mere word of mouth? But he has voted in support of the prosecution of the war"

He has been against the war since the beginning numb-nuts, the Internet is a wonderful place where you can find people's speeches with a tool called "google" - he has always been against the war in Iraq. That being, he had to make sure the troops that were there had what they needed - OK, now I'm pummelling you.

"How can I say I hate armed robbery, but I am collecting blood money from armed robbers to finance my presidential campaign?"

Hamfisted analogies aside, I'm already bitch-slapped this..

"Obama spent more money than Hillary Clinton, but he still lost after his agents ran negative radio adverts of lies against Hillary Clinton."

The ads being run were unaffiliated with the Obama campaign, to correct one of your outright lies - as for him losing, he did get more delegates than Hillary. So, is that really a loss?
Anonymous said…
u r a black african or u are a house nigger...please give me a break, clinton is racist who doesnt know, stop clinton lies
Everyone has the right to self-expression.

You are entitled to your own opinion.

I have expressed mine and you have expressed yours.

Have a great week.

Cheers aand God bless.
Anonymous said…
I am absolutely disgusted by the racially charges allegations you have levied against Barack Obama.I can't believe a black african would perpetuate the uneducated doctrine of fear that has seized many countries post 9/11 and has made us so suspicious of anyone who looks different or has a different name. How have you gone about verifying your information? Where is the research, where are the facts? A photo with Odinga?Is that all you have?I have a photo of myself with Abacha and I bet if you got a hold of it you would spin a high tale of how he has used me to siphon millions of naira out of Nigeria.It is disheartening that you would use your platform to denigrate someone who represents a strong validation for Africans and people of colour the world over. Free speech is wasted on the likes of you.

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