Ask Yourself… Will You Help Us Survive?

Dear Orikinla Osinachi,

Ask Yourself… Will you help us survive?

If you think information can transform the way you see the world, if youhave faith in helping people to help each other, if you believe in askingquestions (and seeking answers), in all humility, we ask you now to help us save dropping knowledge.

We appeal to every one of you who has admired anything we’ve achieved(from our question ads to our films to our web-magazines to our Table ofFree Voices) to open your hearts, your minds and your wallet, purse orpocketbook, to donate online now via Paypal, debit or credit card.

We ask this of you, dear dropping knowledge user, even though weunderstand your money would be better spent helping to provide food,shelter and medicines to those in need, to checking the spread ofpreventable disease, to educating the world’s children and to plantingtrees. Even so, we appeal to you (yes, you), here and now, to help us too.

Help us to continue sharing questions, dialogue and meaning. Help us tocontinue communicating awareness and understanding. Help us tocontinue generating and distributing information that challenges you tosee yourself and your world anew.

Please help us to continue dropping knowledge. Every contribution, nomatter how small, is a huge help.

Click here to donate or to become a member.

Thank you.


dropping knowledge summercampIn June of this year, around 100 film makers, editors, photographers, designers, bloggers,programmers and project managers came together to report and reflecton the events surrounding the G8 Summit in Heiligendamm, Germany.

The content (videos, photographs and editorial coverage representing a diversity of experiences and opinions) was organized, edited anduploaded daily to the G8 section of

The best of this content is now being assembled into a feature-length filmthat will capture what we experienced and witnessed during this year'smost important political event.
"Schatten auf Berlin"An honest and moving look at the social face of the German capital. AsBerlin continues its modern renaissance, many of its social problems areforgotten and conveniently hidden behind a facade of hipness andnouveau bourgeois mentality.

After two months of research, interviews, filming and editing, the resultingexperience was presented last month in Berlin during an evening of discussion and films. To coincide with the event, we launched,a multimedia platform containing a collection of approximately 50 shortfilms and an interactive 'book' that takes a look at social issues in the cityof Berlin 100 years ago and today.

The film of The Table of Free Voices
A volunteer team of over 20 dedicated, young assembly editors havebeen absorbing, selecting and translating material from the over 1,000hours of video recorded at the Table of Free Voices.
This seed-materialwill prove the basis for a new kind of film about the timeless and epicmultilogue that took place on September 9 2006-- not one movie, butmany thousand -- from one-minute portraits of the speakers to montagesof answers for each of the 100 questions to a new feature film forinternational cinema release.

The endgame of this work will be a new website that fulfils the democraticpromise of the Table of Free Voices, first, by making all the high-resolution footage generated that day available for free, for all users todownload, mix, translate and recreate, and, second, by inviting users toparticipate in all aspects of the ongoing evolution and cultivation of thisabundant and astonishing wealth of human perspective, reflection andconscious thought.


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