John Campbell, Tell That To The Marines!

"Let me reiterate that, while we have sympathy for the legitimate aspirations for development of the people in the delta, and we already are, and will continue in the future, to be involved in assistance programs there, hostage-taking never, ever is justified," John Campbell, The U.S. ambassador in Nigeria.

What a smart Alec. Trying to talk the Niger Delta militants into giving up their grounds?

"I will hope that, once we emerge from the current hostage crises, once those that are held hostage are released, assuming that no further hostages are taken, that we will be able to accelerate our assistance in that region." Campbell added in his typical American gunboat diplomatic White Lies.

The United States of America has not done anything to help the people of the Niger Delta region in Nigeria. And we can never trust the White Lies of Washington.

Let Shell pay the $1.5 Billion already ordered by the court for the long years of collateral damages to our environment since Shell struck oil in the Niger Delta in 1956 to date. In fact, that $1.5 Billion is not enough. We should ask for more. Even if we demand $10 Billion, it is not too much!


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