SOKWANELE! Enough is enough!

The old man who stole the Christmas of over a million children in Zimbabwe.
When he made them homeless and some of these children have died in the mayhem of the demolition of their homes.

For how long shall we continue to watch the tyranny of this old African despot?
I say the time to tell Papa Robert Mugabe to go is long overdue.

Sokwanele! Enough is enough!
The ruthlessness and wickedness of Papa Robert Mugabe the old head of state of Zimbabwe has made him the most unpopular African leader in the Western media. He became infamous for kicking out many white farmers from their farmlands in Zimbabwe and now he has made hundreds of thousands of poor miserable masses of Zimbabwe homeless when he sent his armed storm troopers and bulldozers to demolish thousands of their homes. And thousands of them don't even have any shelter in the storm.

We have been having long discussions on the critical situation in Zimbabwe and here is one of the best responses from Czamani, one of the frontline defenders of Papa Robert Mugabe who reminds me of that mean Papa Doc of Haiti.

Well, we agree

on one thing


Well we definitely agree that western wisdom has failed us... which what I think that ultimately this whole thing comes down to. Almost everything that is wrong with Africa today has its roots in western wisdom... whether it be a lack of community responsibility that accompanies the west's extreme individualism, the belief in private property or the use of paper money in cash economies which can be manipulated in such ways so as to make a bar of gold, or a goat worth half today what it was worth yesterday. The economies and markets of precolonial African society made much more sense, based on barter, or even based on a medium of exchange (that was constant) it made more sense because an apple today is an apple tomorrow. Nowadays, as African exchange is based on cash economies that are controlled by exchange rates which are determined by Europeans, a small group of people can arbitrarily decide the exchange rate between the rand and the dollar which can overnight make the fruits of a person's labor able to purchase only half the food it was able to purchase the day before. Such is Zimbabwe’s problem today... Indo-Europeans angry about the fact that their self-appointed right to "privately own" stolen land was revoked, therefore they enact various economic measures which now means that my US dollar now has 10,000 times the power of a Zimbabwean citizens dollar. The Gono takes it a step further and devalues the Zimbabwe dollar further. The bottom line is that there are no monoliths in our world today... anything absolute; everything must be analyzed within context. Within the historical context of everything that we know the west does to destabilize Africa, I understand that in order for Africans to make any progress that we need African leaders that are strong willed and prepared to do what is necessary to ensure that we control our own resources in a stable environment. What does this all mean? This means that in the utopian world of theory where a leader will never have to resort to anything drastic to protect the weak from the powerful, and then Mugabe has certainly gone too far. But in the real world, where the powerful and the wealthy subjected entire hemispheres to vast exploitation, where covert intelligence agencies routinely destabilize, steal, assassinate and bomb so that powerful nations stay on top, in a world where many talk about eliminating poverty and nobody does anything, in a world where everybody says that all races are created equal but then condone the fact that all races do not live equally... in such a non-theoretical world, we need the Mugabes and the Fidel Castros and the Hugo Chavez's to use the small modicum of power that they do have to turn the tide. So whereas we agree that Africans should turn their back on western wisdom, I still agree with Robert Mugabe and the majority of the Zimbabwean people... whether or not some naked old ladies will have the effect you desire, well I would hope that Mugabe is more resilient than that. I have no doubt that the naked elderly women's revolution has worked in Nigeria... but the Shona have different beliefs and I don't know how effective that tactic would be.


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