Two Fox Journalsits Freed After Converting To Islam

I have just read online that the kidnapped Fox correspondents have just been freed after 'converting to Islam' in Gaza.

The footage of them in captivity showed both men dressed in beige Arab-style robes, and the kidnappers claimed the journalists had converted to Islam.
Washington Post, 27/08/2006

This is actually what all the Islamic terrorists are doing.
They are holding the rest of the world hostage at gunpoint to convert to Islam or be killed. And the rest of the Islamic world are enjoying the whole Islamic madness and only pretend to sympathize with the unfortunate victims of Islamic terrorism.

Fox News Senior Vice President John Moody said there were "high points and low points" in the ordeal, and that one of the lowest was the release of a second video at 3 a.m. Eastern time Sunday in which Centanni and Wiig said under duress that they had converted to Islam.
Washington Post, 27/08/2006

So where do we go from here? To the Hajj?


Is this a joke? hm, seems like these guys are doing the work of the Antichrist without even realising it.
They are willing tools in the hands of Satan in the masquerade of religion.

God bless.

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