Jesus Christ Was An Ice Skater and Other Stories

Today I am actually promoting Andy Wibbels new bestselling book "BlogWild" and now the breaking news from the Washington Post that my beloved Lord and Saviour and Messiah Jesus Christ was an Ice Skater. Because, some miracle doubting Israeli and U.S. Scientists can now prove that "Floating Ice May Explain How Jesus Walked on Water". The researchers can show us how Jesus could have walked on water.

More Washington Post Headlines:
Rumsfeld Challenges Rice on 'Tactical Errors' in Iraq
Hussein Testifies To Signing Orders For Executions
How AIDS in Africa Was Overstated
Obesity Among U.S. Women Leveling Off, Study Shows

For advance copies of my latest book "Jesus Christ Was An Ice Skater and Other Stories", contact me.


Keshi said…
** U.S. Scientists can now prove that "Floating Ice May Explain How Jesus Walked on Water

oh c'mon, scientists and God never were good friends na :)

Maybe these scientists should try and explain how Jesus raised the dead?

Trust them to come up with another scientific explanation for that.

Instead of them to get busy researching how to develop alternative fuel for America, they are wasting tax payers money on useless researches.

Who says scientists are not morons?
Keshi said…
yep I agree with Toniyah...mebbe these scientists should spend their time researching on 'worldly' things cos thats all we r limited to :)


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