Women Take The Lead From Liberia To Chile


First it was Liberia that led the way with the unprecedented election of their First Female President lady Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and now Chile has followed suit by electing their own First Female President, the fearless Michelle Bachelet who was a former political prisoner.

Read more on the Washington Post from the link above.

Socialist Party candidate Michelle Bachelet, a political prisoner during Gen. Augusto Pinochet's military dictatorship and a single mother of three, was elected president on Sunday, the first woman to lead a country long
considered one of the most culturally traditional in Latin America.

With 97 percent of voting sites reporting, Bachelet had won 53 percent of the vote to about 47 percent for billionaire businessman Sebastian Piñera.

As I congratulated President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia, I hereby congratulate the President elect of Chile Michelle Bachelet.

As I blog, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has already been sworn in for six-year-term as first democratically elected female president in Liberia and Africa as a whole. And she is still making her first address to the people of Liberia in the presence of many leaders of the world from various countries, including the President of Nigeria, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo. Nigeria sacrificed the precious lives of our brave soldiers and spent millions of dollars in the restoration of peace in Liberia and President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf commended Nigeria for coming to the rescue of Liberia.

I am happy for President-Elect Michelle Bachelet of Chile and President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia.

Who is next?
Hilary Clinton of the United States of America in 2008?
Let us pray.


Imnakoya said…
Hillary-who? I'm rooting for Condo Rice- talk about brains and beauty!!
Sampsa said…
We just had the first round of presidental elections in Finland yesterday. The current president of Finland Mrs. Tarja Halonen and a rival Mr. Niinistö made it to the second round. The final voting is in two weeks time. My post about the elections. By the way I enjoy your blog alot, thanks.
If Powell had no chance, so will Condo Rice dare? She is not thinking of contesting in the next 10 years.

Is Lady Rice pretty, talkless of beautiful? And except she goes out with me, then I can make her beautiful.

I am a Ladies' Man anyday.
I believe women are better leaders than men.

Remember, men are bred by women.
How many women are tyrants?

The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
Nneka's World said…
Congratulations to her, hearing this, gives me hope for women rulers and leaders for the future of the world.
hilary clinton for president? Hmm... you never know, or maybe condy rice, hmm imagine, black and female for the presidency of the USA. Hmm cant wait to see this one.
Sampsa said…
I'm not convinced that the leadership skills depend on ones genital type. However I've found many women to be excellent politicians. Rice is excluded from this list though, as I've learned that she's a bit of a climber, saying yes to anything the big boys say (or maybe Powell's ex-advisor was just exaggerating).
Anonymous said…
Rice is a liar. She lied at the 911 commision hearings in order to protect George Bush and to get her current job, Secretary of State.
She does not desrve to be mentioned in the same breath Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who stands as a light in the darkness of African politics, and not because she is a woman, but because she is the best person for the job!

Colin Powel too, let down his people. He presented evidence to the UN about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction when he had misgivings about its accuracy. His honour and loyalty to George Bush overcame his natural strong sense of justice. He failed himself and his people at this dark time.

Both Rice and Powell are examples of when power corrupts. We very much hope that Ellen Johnson Sirleaf too does not become corrupted by the power she has not obtained in the same way as many African leaders have done. Hopefully Big Oil (e.g: Chevron who named one of their super tankers after Ms Rice!) keep their noses out of Liberia's internal affairs, and then may be, just maybe Liberia can come out of the dark ages under the guidance of this very brave grandmother.
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Anonymous for such a brilliant comment, I would have loved to know you more and visit your blog to commend you for coming to brighten my day with your erudition.

God bless.

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