I am posting this news article from the Washington Post, because I want all of us in blogosphere to rally around Cindy Sheehan and give her our maximum cooperation and support everyday by day and all the way. All you bloggers in the US should go and join her in the protest and demand that President Bush must meet with her.
No lip service on the blogs!

Go out there and support Cindy Sheehan to justify her constitutional rights as a bona fide citizen of the United States of America.

This woman just sacrificed her son in the war against terror in Iraq!

Cindy Sheehan sacrificed her son for the sake of America!

President George W. Bush must do his constitutional duty as the bona fide President of America and meet with Cindy Sheehan. Or lose the vote of confidence American voters have given him.
No retreat and no surrender!

Soldier's Mother

Takes Protest to Bloggers

By Brian FalerThursday, August 11, 2005; A08.

Soldier's Mother Takes Protest to Bloggers
By Brian FalerThursday, August 11, 2005; A08

Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq who has been camped outside President Bush's ranch near Crawford, Tex., took her antiwar protest to the Internet yesterday, joining a conference call with bloggers around the country, along with a stray congresswoman.

Sheehan, who has been demanding an audience with the president, told the bloggers that she has felt intimidated by the Secret Service, has been awakened in the middle of the night by thunderstorms and has a sore throat. But, Sheehan said, she has no plans to end her vigil until Bush meets with her to discuss the war, he goes back to the White House or she is arrested.

"This is going to be a very, very long haul," Sheehan said, in a call hosted by Democratic strategist and Internet guru Joe Trippi. Trippi, who managed Howard Dean's presidential campaign, urged the bloggers to write about her protest on their individual sites. The liberal online advocacy group MoveOn.org is also taking up Sheehan's cause, soliciting signatures for a petition in support of her cause and announcing plans to run an ad in the local paper, the Waco Tribune-Herald.
Many of the bloggers on the call gushed over her protest ("We love you, Cindy") while Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) also chimed in to express her support.
Sheehan, who earlier this week described her protest on the popular liberal blog Daily Kos, complained that the mainstream news media have not paid enough attention to her cause -- although she was interviewed Sunday on CNN's "Late Edition" -- and asked the bloggers for their support. "If we didn't have the Internet, none of us would really know what was truly going on," she said. "This is something that can't be ignored."

"It was a historic day, because one woman launched a United States Senate campaign, and another woman successfully piloted the shuttle launch back to Earth."
-Rep. Katherine Harris (R-Fla.), formally announcing her Senate bid Tuesday on Fox News Channel's "Hannity & Colmes"
© 2005 The Washington Post Company


Rachel said…
She is an idiot. It's unfortunate that her son died but it was his choice to join the military I'm assuming?
I support her 110%. Bush is too much of a chickenshit to even invite her in to talk. After all, it is all he would have to do to get the media off his case about it, but his advisors are too retarded to see that.

I wrote about her yesterday and also the fiasco with Bill O'Rielly today... Go ahead. Please read on :)
Well I don't think you are crazy for calling Cindy an idiot.
But, have you lost any son, father, brother or daughter in Iraq?
If not, then you are wrong in calling Cindy an idiot.

I am sorry that you missed the point in her protest. Because, Cindy is still in the throes of her trauma.
If you cannot feel the agony, then you will not understand the irony of her dilemma.

I suport you intoto.
Because, Cindy has the right to express herself bitterly or otherwise.
She deserves our support.

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